Abdominoplasty Before After #03

Before & After Abdominoplasty


This 31-year-old woman developed laxity of her abdominal skin following the birth of her children. On examination, she was found to have a modest separation of her rectus abdominis muscles with an excess of loose abdominal skin. Abdominoplasty, breast augmentation, and mastopexies were performed at a single operation as part of her mommy makeover. Abdominoplasty was performed with the following notables:

  • short overnight inpatient surgery
  • general anesthesia
  • transverse ellipse of skin excised (863g) 
  • repair of a modest abdominal rectus diastasis
  • drains were used
  • abdominal binder was worn for 6 weeks following surgery  

The photographic follow-up was obtained before and 3 years after surgery.

Note that surgical cases of Dr. Chen Lee are presented for illustrative and educational purposes only. These illustrative cases should not be construed as a guarantee or assurance of the treatment results attainable by prospective patients.



  • transverse ellipse of skin excised (863g) 
  • umbilical translocation
  • repair of a modest abdominal rectus diastasis

Bilateral Breast AugmentationBilateral Vertical Breast Lift

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