Image of a group of women standing and looking happy.

Understanding Breast Augmentation and Who It Benefits

Breast augmentation, or breast enlargement surgery, is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of a woman’s breasts. It’s typically done using implants providing both aesthetic improvements and boosting self-confidence. But who exactly benefits from breast augmentation? Let’s explore the different types of candidates who may consider this procedure. In conclusion,…

Cosmetic surgery treatment philosophy at Plastic Surgery Montreal

Going under the knife. Where to cut?

There are various kinds of plastic surgery that can be performed. Ranging from an abdominoplasty (“tummy tuck”) to rhinoplasty (“nose job”), but one of the most popular ones, especially among women, is breast augmentation. Deciding on what type of breast implants to use is not the only difficult decision to make. Plastic surgery, after all,…